Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Clegg vaults to lead in U.K. election: poll

Clegg vaults to lead in U.K. election: poll
A breath of fresh air blasts into UK politics and takes the wind out of Shameron's sails with a massive 10 point body blow that puts Nick Clegg in first place even in The Sun newspaper's poll.

Murdoch's News International Jugganaut have an editorial 'ban on Lib Dem' policy and purposefully try to keep them out of British Politics admitted the ex editor of The Sun David Yelland in The Guardian on Sunday.
If Clegg is in the lead even in the Sun's commissioned YouGov poll then chances he's doing even better than the 1% lead over the Tories they admit to.

There are hoards of voters who would love to give the Liberal Democrats and The Green Party a chance to take a fresh approach to UK politics that's neither greedily grabbing everything they can for the richest 1% nor bogging down the wheels of optimum performance with a treacle mine of administrative sludge.

The optimist in me wants to believe that the British public can't really have been foolish enough to really want a conservative regime and merely want something different to the party of red tape. Now there is a credible alternative to Shameron and his old boy fox hunting network.

Days after the debate Clegg is still on a roll - good news for the Green Party too if people finally start grasping the notion of NOT voting for same old same old.

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