Friday, December 21, 2007

VegBang News Beats Digg

Tech savvy vegetarians launch VegBang, the first veggie news sharing site, to fight the Digg mafia

Yipee! we may be able to retire soon - As more Vegans get fed up with attempts to protect the status quo vegans are doing it for themselves!

The trick will be to ensure quality content so there is always something worth reading otherwise you may as well just use google news. Hopefully this new news service will grow organically and self police like Wikipedia does.

Perhaps by this time next year they'll be no need for this Worldwide Vegan News blog and I can be making Vegan Christmas Cake instead of typing gobbledigook into a blog window.

Only one snag I can see - I tried to register 3 times and each time my request was rejected ;-( - do the vegbang team have their own mafia? Are they just going to replace the Digg mafia with the Vegan Police?

By the way - Merry Christmas and a very vegan new year!


  1. Thanks for your mention!

    Regarding the registration: the problem is already solved. You can register now, there were just growing pains ;)

    Thanks again and we invite you to promote your articles and Internet finds in VegBang.

  2. Glad to hear growing pains now sorted.

    Let's change the world!


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