Saturday, August 18, 2007

Vegetarian Pies Banned in NZ Pie Contest

Hunt on soon for tastiest Taranaki pies - Taranaki Daily News: local, national & world news from Taranaki's daily newspaper

Pie lovers in New Zealand have banned vegetarian pies from their contest as they are scared of their meat pies getting beaten again as they were in the National competition.

Taranaki Daily News

After the disgrace of the national pie contest, in which the top award was given to a vegetarian concoction, we at the Taranaki Daily News have decided there is nothing else to do but have our own pie contest.

So we're looking for all you commercial pie-makers out there to enter your creations and vie for the title of Taranaki Daily News Pie of the Year.

We will select four category winners, from which the ultimate winner will be chosen.

The rules are simple:

No fruit or vegetarian pies will be allowed to compete.

Pies must be produced in Taranaki no national franchises allowed and be on sale somewhere in the province.

There will be four categories: Traditional mince, traditional steak, traditional bacon and egg, and cosmopolitan (which includes any ingrdients, as long as one of them is meat).


  1. I live in NZ, and work for 3 News:

    Check out that link for a story about the vegetarian pie winning our national competition.

    Also, this link: is an amusing piece on a survey which found vegans don't like having sex with meat-eaters.

  2. Hi, I'm writing from Denmark where i edit a blog about veggienews. I'm glad I found this site with lots of interesting news.

    I already got inspired by this article and made a partial translation of it.

    Hope it's okay?

    All the best
    Lars Knudsen

  3. Yeah I read this in the newspaper (I'm from Taranaki). I thought it was bullshit really because vegetarian pies ARE pies! Yes, I'm vegetarian too.

  4. Yeah I often find myself having to remind meat-eaters that burgers don't have to be meat. Like when I say "ah I feel like burgerking" I often get the reply "veggieking!" as if burger is a synonym for meat.


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