Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Da Vegan Code

In the fire that was the oxmoronic world of vegan Jehad there is a new wind.

Sleeping beneath the foundations of the pillars of the knights of new world order lies an ancient power far beyond the comprehension of the new world order puppets.

Ye who fears change shall fear deeper.

Ye who comprehends shall taste sweeter regions.

Open your eyes and ye shall see logic and reason beyond all manner of things.

The Da Vegan Code awaits you - can you crack it?

The Secret Society of Vegans


  1. I have just found your blog through google and wanted to say hello to the writer of my one and only vegan cookbook ;)
    I'm from Turkey, there aren't Turkissh vegan cookbooks. One day when I was digging a bookshop, I met yourS 2 years ago.
    Warm regards,


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