Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vegan - A nightmare before Christmas?

Author of a vegan cook book has challenged mothers around the world to prepare for what they may consider to be their worst christmas nightmare.

He asks mothers "How would you cope with this situation?"

"Your son texts from school to say he?s bringing his girlfriend back home for the holiday season."

"Before you can get the cork off the bottle of champagne to celebrate - he says ?just one more little thing - She?s Vegan!?"

"What would you do? Would you panic? Would you frantically search google online for a cruise on last minute dot com ?"

"How would you feel about the prospect of no turkey? What gift would you buy a vegan? No silk, no leather, even non organic cotton un-fair trade cotton has a vegan question mark over it these days."

As the full implications dawn on one it does seem to get worse.

No Chocolate, no wine (often contains fish or gelatine), no un-cruelty free cosmetics?

Tony offers a suggested ten point plan and coping strategy with a recipe for a happy vegetarian Christmas.


  1. If my child brought home a vegetarian or vegan I'd be thrilled. Here would be a perfect opportunity to get creative in the kitchen, to bring out all the exotic and healthy ingredients most Western "home cooks" don't even know about. Thanks for the ten point plan.

  2. Thats funny. I can just imagine my boyfriend's family when they invite me over for dinner. I wonder if thats why I havent been over there before...


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