Monday, June 20, 2005

Handhi Ghandi -Insults Gandi

Handi Ghandi has upset vegetarians, vegans and relatives and admirers of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandi was one of the most famous vegetarians and this franchised fast food chain sells beef and chicken.

Trade descriptions officers may get involved - it's percievable that some vegetarians that a restaurant that uses Gandi's image would be assumed to be vegetarian and the 'beef' and 'chicken' would be vegan versions as they are in many chinese and thai restaurants around the world.

"It's offensive," Tushar Gandhi, the activist's Bombay-based great-grandson and head of the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, told Reuters. "It goes absolutely against all his beliefs. Using his image to sell beef curries and such doesn't gel.

Handi Ghandi Franchising Franchise - BeTheBoss AU: "Providing quality nutrition has become the focal point of the takeaway food industry and Handi Ghandi is committed to supplying healthy nutritious food.

Handi Ghandi's meals are made fromour own original recipes. Using the best cuts of meat and chicken uniquely blended with market fresh spices and vegetables, our curries have that special, individual Handi Ghandi flavour."

MSN news Over-reaction? Would americans be upset if an Indian company sold Hammer and Nails with an image of Jesus- "Nail that post with Holy Ghost!"- "Aim higher with DIY Mesiah"

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